Sunday, May 22, 2016

As the next generation of iOS seasons, download iOS 10 with new features and improvements

Although iOS 10 is planning to be released during next half of the year, we know that you would love to hear all rumors and forecasting of the version even before Apple officially announce it. 

Anyhow, seems the prediction we done on iOS 9.3.2 is going to become true. It is not anything else; iOS 9.3.2 is the final release of this fall. Because, even after few days from the major release of iOS 9.3.2, Apple hasn’t announced about any other new version for the same season yet. Therefore, let’s get ready for the next grand download iOS 10

Release date of the iOS 10 for users

As the usual; way and with previous experience of releasing a new iOS season, we hope reach the first beta version of iOS 10 download in first week of the July. From then, you will be able to continue the whole version up to June 2017. 

When we search for the release date of the version, we can predict you the way they concern of the major out of iOS 9 will multiply on this release. So as iOS 9 taken near 2 months to work through its pre releases, iOS 10 will take some more than that. So this may be release at the end of September this year after couple of strong trial period of betas. 

What are the features mainly targeted?

You will be able to face the best ever user friendly music app with this. This news has received as reliable true sources that reported about the version. The improvements and new arrangements of the Apple music will be newsy after WWDC 2016 announcements. This will be great for users over 13 million who have already collected with Apple music. This will offer you few new tabs that make you easier of using. 

Also the next improvements will be Photos app users most talked to be renewed. This hasn’t explained further more and you will have to stay for the official announcements soon in the near future. Also, some apps that too will need to be updated with a new appearance that recognized will be able to explain you with future articles. 

Changes of the new season

You cannot, download the new version on all current iOS 9 devices as the list will rearrange with brand new iDevices too. As we are expecting to welcome the new iPhone 7 after this WWDC, it will remark this version as another grand foot print.

Preparations of Jailbreak iOS 10

As usually, jailbreak users concern the ability of Cydia download of new iOS versions, iOS 10 jailbreak will start researching by the jailbreak community after they leak the jailbreak iOS 9.3.2. As hackers will busy with this new season from next month, they are going to out the current demand before it get started. 

Same as the rootless security of iOS 9, the new version will brought a strong to delay jailbreak users for their new releases. But, thanks to the jailbreak community we will surely access and download Cydia iOS 10 even after few months from the out.